Advanced Presentations Training: In-Class Course Design (Click for more detail)I created a series of presentations and workshops to help the U.S. Patent and Trademark attorneys give better presentations and design more effective PowerPoints. The presentations and workshops were no more than 20 minutes each and could be delivered individually during a lunch brown bag or combined into one or two hours of in-person training.
Articulate Rise: Reinvent Your Career with the ERRC Grid (Click for more detail)I developed this online, self-paced training to support my third book, Strategic Career Reinvention. I plan a series of modular lessons to help my readers master the unconventional career-building skills featured in the book.
Microlearning Video: Build A No-Code/Low-Code App in Eight Minutes (Click for more detail)The microlearning video was created for a University of Maryland massive open online course (MOOC) about digital transformation for organizations. This video aimed to demonstrate how to visually build a no-code/low-code app for a student who has never made a mobile app. The best way to teach a complicated technology concept is to start the students with a final product and then take them through the steps of building the final product.
Emotional and Cultural Intelligence in Project Management: Massive Open Online Course (Click for more detail)Based on my first book, The Persuasive Project Manager, I built a certification program for the University of Maryland’s Project Management Center for Excellence. The University of Maryland (UMD) partners with edX, a massive open online course (MOOC) provider, to provide UMD-branded professional courses. The emotional and cultural intelligence in project management course has been seen by over ten thousand students worldwide.
Job-Aid: Coaching for Managers - Powerful Questions and Deep Listening (Click for more detail)When redesigning a supervisor certification program, I asked myself, “Could I replace a PowerPoint presentation with a job aid.” Before the redesign, supervisors had to sit through 48 hours of PowerPoints (six hours of lecture spread throughout eight day-long sessions). The first thing I did was to cut the number of PowerPoint presentations in half to 24 hours total. I replaced the discarded PowerPoints with discussions, role-playing, and guest lectures from outstanding supervisors. The Coaching Skills for Managers job aid was the foundation for a great interactive peer exercise.
Training Evaluation: Return on Investment Evaluation of a Supervisor Certificate Program (Click for more detail)After winning recognition as one of Training Magazine’s national top 25 emerging training leaders in 2019, I wrote a training evaluation analysis to gain my ROI certification. My certification case study has been adopted as a chapter in the ROI Institute’s forthcoming book, Proving the Value of Leadership Development: Real Studies from Top Leadership Development Providers.
Building a Coaching Program for 13,000+ Employees (Click for more detail)In 2019, I was asked by the senior management at the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) to help create a “coaching culture” for the agency. I developed and implemented a career coaching program by recruiting thirteen supervisors to undergo International Coaching Federation-approved training and provide their services to the 13,000+ USPTO employees. I selected the training vendors and marketed the services of the coaching cadre. When I left the USPTO in 2020, my successor grew the coaching cadre to forty coaches. The Career Coaching Program has been a significant success for the USPTO.